Tips & info

Why Do Labels Fade?

Knowing what causes labels to fade means that you can work with your manufacturer to help prevent it!

Here's the truth - All labels are subject to fading, no matter what tricky marketing may tell you. Even the toughest, most durable outdoor-rated labels will still experience it to a degree under certain conditions and with time... But what are those conditions? Let's take a closer look at what factors cause a label to fade!

UV/sun exposure:
UV rays from sunlight break down the chemical bonds of ink, which over time lightens and fades a printed image. Therefore, storing your labels (or the products you have applied the labels to) in direct sunlight can cause fading. This UV degradation can be minimised using certain printing methods and finishes to manufacture your labels, so if sunlight exposure is an unavoidable part of your label's use make sure to mention this to your manufacturer!

Exposure to moisture:
Be it from refrigerator condensation, freezer storage, or exposure to the elements, moisture can cause your labels to fade by smudging the ink, and can also disintegrate the label . Making sure that a suitable substrate (the material your labels are printed on) is used in manufacturing can help ensure that your labels hold up against moisture.

Exposure to chemicals:
Chemicals can cause your labels to fade through degrading the ink used to print them (and in some cases, can end up destroying the label completely). This can occur through handling of chemical products which transfers the chemicals onto the labels (such as in a manufacturing setting), exposure to cleaning chemical or oils, or contact with chemicals when varying products are stored together (for example, in a laboratory or pathology environment). If your labels will be exposed to chemicals at any point during their lifetime, make sure to mention this to your manufacturer to ensure they are made to suit!

There are a variety of challenges that can cause your labels to fade significantly faster. However by keeping your manufacturer fully informed of where and how your labels will be used, they can be made appropriately tough to stand up to whatever they may face!

Cohesion Labels is an Australian label manufacturer with a passion for Making Labels Easy. We believe it should be easier for Aussie businesses to do business, and to do our part we've set up our entire operation to make labels easy. By de-risking the process and guaranteeing you get the product you want when you need it, we're the strongest link in your supply chain.

Get in touch with us for a quote - We'd love to see how we could make labelling easy for you!

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