Tips & info

Which label adhesive should I choose?

If you're asking yourself which label adhesive is right for you, we're here to provide some expert insight!

When thinking about labels, the main consideration is typically the artwork on the front. A great label design is important, but it's also vital to consider the flip side - which adhesive will be used for the underside of your self adhesive labels! After all, an impressive label design is nothing if it doesn't adhere to the surface it's destined for.

Let's take a closer look at two of the main types of adhesives used in label manufacturing:

Hot Melt Adhesives
Hot melt adhesives are rubber based, and as such have a soft composition. This makes them a great choice for application onto rough surfaces as it will bleed into uneven textures, ensuring a good adhesion. Their rubber base does however give them a poor resistance to UV and heat exposure, making them unsuitable for long term outdoor use. Hot melt adhesives are generally well suited for applications such as adhering to cardboard cartons in a warehousing environment or on porous surfaces such as rubber tyres or timber.

Acrylic Adhesives
Acrylic adhesives have a lower initial tack than hot melt adhesives, meaning they can be repositioned while applying. Then over the next 24 hours, the adhesion will increase to its ultimate adhesion level. Acrylic adhesives stand up well to UV and can withstand temperature variations, however their harder composition means that they won't perform as well on rough surfaces as hot melt adhesives. Acrylic adhesives are generally well suited for applications such as food packaging, personal care packaging, and smooth cardboard. 

As a consumer, it can be hard to know which adhesive is right for your labels.  By partnering with an experienced label manufacturer you can take out the guesswork, and leave it to the experts!

Cohesion Labels is an Australian label manufacturer with a passion for Making Labels Easy. We believe it should be easier for Aussie businesses to do business, and to do our part we've set up our entire operation to make labels easy. By de-risking the process and guaranteeing you get the product you want when you need it, we're the strongest link in your supply chain.

Get in touch with us for a quote - We'd love to see how we could make labelling easy for you!

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